Today we're going over grammar 9. We'll also go back and check out grammar 8, since we had some difficulty with 9 on Thursday. Also - we will go over the answers to our first NEWSELA questions and begin our next article, if there's time! Click here to view the NEWSELA article.
- What is another name for Chinese New Year? (English)
- What is the old Chinese calendar based on?
- What are some of the traditions of Chinese New Year?
- What was the last dish for the Chinese New Year dinner? Why?
- Why was Chinese New Year not allowed anymore? Why did it return?
The last two paragraphs of the article says that "Chinese New Year is not a religious holiday anymore." Now it's just a vacation for people to "go online, sleep, or watch TV." It also states that younger people don't like "old New Years foods."
Do you agree with these last two paragraphs?
Have you felt that traditional holidays are losing their original purpose? Are they becoming "just a break from work and school"?
ELL 3 Social Studies
We'll be starting our individual projects tomorrow, so today we'll begin the last disaster section in our book. We'll also discuss what is expected for our project and select the disaster we'll present on.
ELL 1/2 Science
Back to nutrition and healthy eating! Today we'll do the next part of our nutrition unit!
ELL 3 English
We're going to talk more about "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes. We'll do those questions, too.
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