Thursday 15 February 2018

Almost Friday!

Good day, day everyone!

ELL3 English
Today we finished up The Golden Crane, and worked on Agree/Disagree writing.

The boring way: "I agree/disagree with the idea that..."
  • dogs are great.
  • pets are too much work.
  • homework is fun.
  • movies are better than books.
The interesting way: declare your position as part of your topic sentence, rather than simply agree or disagree with it. For example:
  • I agree with the idea that dogs are great. (boring)
  • Dogs have been loyal and wonderful pets to people for many years. (interesting)
The 2nd sentence here shows the reader that you agree with the statement and it also provides information to support your position.

ELL 1/2 Science
Today we're just doing project work! Exciting!

ELL 3 Social Studies
Today we'll do a little disaster unit work, and some grammar.

ELL 1/2 Social Studes
Today we'll break into groups for grammar. Our peer helper will take one group with one set of grammar, and the rest of us will do some different grammar!

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