Tuesday 13 February 2018

Now ~THAT~ was a long weekend!

Tough Spongebob (I'll have you know) meme

Welcome back, everyone! We have a wonderful week ahead of us. (to be updated as our day progresses):

ELL 1/2 Social Studies
Today we wrote the quiz on a map of Canada. Then we set up our accounts for NEWSELA and did a bit more work on Canadian geography!

Make sure you set up an account for newsela.com.

Our class code is: W6845U

ELL 3 Social Studies
Today we did the quiz for the map of Canada and did more reading on disasters. Today we focused on Avalanches and Landslides.

ELL 1/2 Science
We finished our quiz on the cell, and we began group work on our particular system.

ELL 3 English
Today we read our first short story, "The Golden Crane". We discussed characterization. We also discussed setting and point of view.

For homework, please complete the paragraph handout. I'll be checking it on Wednesday!

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