Thursday, 13 October 2016

English 12
Today we worked on editing our creative/narrative response using a Show, Don't Tell chart. Here are the things I'll be marking for this assignment:

  1. A SDT chart that you fill in for your partner's narrative.
  2. A Selection from your narrative that I'll check for SDT qualties. 

We also received our essays from early last week. If you have questions about your mark, you need to see me ASAP to discuss it. We can discuss the grade you have and go over any improvements you might consider for our next essay.

Revise your narrative/creative response for Monday. DEJ for "The Day They Set Out" due Friday.

English 9
Today we finished most of the presentations. There are a few more to go.

If you haven't handed in your DEJ or your 3 questions for Mitty, please do so by tomorrow at the latest. I will be marking these over the weekend, and you will be missing out on important grade opportunities if they are not done.

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