Friday 14 October 2016

Cat Bath Returns meme

Check out that weather!

English 9
Today we finished up our presentations. Excellent job! This took a lot of courage on your part - to share your values and your family's values. After our presentations, we talked about suspense as a tool for building tension in short stories. So far, we've read "The Most Dangerous Game" and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."

Today we read "Lather, and Nothing Else."

Do #3. Why didn't the narrator kill Torres? Provide a complete answer for this question!

English 12
Today we took a break from the usual, and worked a provincial exam, for practice of course. Our next presentation is for group 2 - "Horses of The Night" on Tuesday. If we continue on schedule, group 3, "Masque of the Red Death" will be on Monday the following week.

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