Friday 6 November 2015


English 11
We've finished reading Lord of the Flies. We're now going to re-examine our inquiry question: How does society influence character morals? Using the text during class, we created a 2nd set of descriptive ethics for society in LOTF. After we had a 2nd set of ethics, we broke off into our table groups and began planning skits we'll share to summarize the last half of the novel on Monday.

Write a paragraph - not more than a single page double spaced that compares the descriptive ethics of the island in the first 4 chapters, and the last 4 chapters.
Finish preparing your skit to present on Monday.

English 8
We made the final steps to prepare for our first lit circle meeting on Monday. If you finish your book early, please let me know and I'll give you another book to work on.

Make sure you're prepared for you role on Monday! Fill in your character role sheet so you're good to go.
Also, make sure you have at least 9 entries on your TCC. 3 entries for each reading day.

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