Monday 9 November 2015

Morbid Monday

I love the smell of block rotation in the morning.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today we read Asimov's "The Feeling of Power". We discussed the plot profile briefly, and some problems it may have with short stories and other examples of literature.

 Do #8, and chart the characters, setting, and symbolism.

English 8
We completed our first lit circle meeting today. Remember to keep track of the time as you go through your role.

None! Hurray!

English 11
We performed our skits for the last half of Golding's Lord of the Flies. We then reviewed "Ye Olde Standard Essay" structure. Remember, you can use variations of it that fit your purpose. The most important thing is that you provide a thesis and evidence to support it.

Tomorrow we'll be working on our introductions. If you still need help with your thesis, I am available to help during class.


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