Thursday 5 November 2015

Thane Thursday

English 9 SPECTRUM
We read the short story, "The Lie", and took a look at the situational and dramatic irony within. After, we started working on the draft for a haiku about the irony in this story. Keep in mind that I will be collecting journals near the end of next week, or the week after for a midpoint journal check.

Haiku example:
Haikus are easy
but sometimes they don't make sense

Complete a good copy of your haiku. The haiku must:
1. Demonstrate the irony in "The Lie".
2. Be on 8.5" by 8.5" paper.
3. MAKE IT PRETTY (or ugly) - Put some design on it; a graphic that reveals the irony, or at least supports the theme of the poem.

English 11
We finished up the remaining mobiles for the symbols of Lord of the Flies, then we went back to the film.

Finish your final DEJ for Chapter 10, 11, and 12 for Friday. That's ONE (1) DEJ that covers 3 the last 3 chapters of the book.

English 8
Today we continued our lit circles and had a short lesson on conflict!

Nothing tonight!

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