Wednesday 8 March 2023

Chapter 6 - 8

Chapter 6
  1. Party does not allow people who are physically attracted to each other to marry. We've come to learn that loving relationships are the ones that last; why does the Party enforce this policy?
  2. Describe Winston’s relationship with his wife, Katharine.
  3. Explain Winston’s belief that, “The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime.” 
Chapter 7
  1. Describe how the Party utilizes history as propaganda.
  2. Show how the Party’s control of the press allows it to manipulate history.
  3. What is the Party’s essential command?
  4. Interpret Winston’s axiom, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” 
Chapter 8
  1. Define ownlife.
  2. What is the irony of the proles’ situation and the Party’s view of them?
  3. Infer why Winston checks for telescreens at the pub and in the room over Mr. Charrington’s shop.
  4. Examine how Winston and Mr. Charrington’s knowledge of London’s churches exemplifies the Party’s approach to religion and history.

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