Tuesday 7 March 2023

Chapter 5

  1. How does Newspeak hope to eradicate all thoughtcrime?
  2. Tell how citizens react to any government news about rations or production, and explain why it is an odd reaction.
  3. Check this link  -  Facecrime happens when the subtle movements or gestures of your face reveal traitorous thoughts. It's a means for the Thought Police to evaluate loyalties. Based on the article, do you suspect thoughts can be managed by "faking" facial expressions? Could inauthentic expression become authentic?
  4. The Party provides some means of pleasure for its citizens. Tobacco for smoking, Victory Gin, and chocolate for food are examples. In such oppression, why does the Party supply these luxuries at all? Are these items healthy choices? Consider the symbolism of such "luxuries" in the context of this dystopian world.
  5. We see a lunch room conversation unfold between several characters and Winston. Examine the language of this discussion carefully, and Winston's read of these characters. Who do you think is loyal to the Party? Does Winston have a good assessment of those around him? (Include the dark-haired girl also!)
  6. Examine the paragraph about "quacking" on page 64 and the paragraph where Syme explains "Duckspeak" - a newspeak word (bottom of 57). What does this reveal about the lunch room conversation?

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