Monday 2 November 2020

The Giver!

Wow - a whole new book for a whole new unit. Time to rock and roll!

Chapter 1
1. What is your impression thus far of Jonas's community?
2. How would you feel if your parents had a feelings ritual? That is, every evening you would share your feelings or concerns with your family members.

Chapter 2
1. If some older people in your community were to observe you, what job do you think they'd give you and why?
2. In your family or community, how is a child's coming into a family different than the way it is described in Chapter 2?

Chapter 3
1. What do you think of the way differences are treated in the community?
2. What do you think happened to the apple?

Chapter 4
1. Do you think the rule against bragging is a good one? Why or why not?
2. What do you think about release now?

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