Tuesday 3 November 2020

ELL4 Day 2

 Day Two ELL4 is reading The Scarlet Ibis. There's much to discuss here. Read the story and answer these questions for homework - before you return on Thursday, November 5.

  1. What symbols do you think add meaning to the story?
  2. Early in the story, the narrator decides he is going to kill Doodle, why does he change his mind? Why did he consider this violent act in the first place?
  3. Find at least five phrases, sentences, or events in the story that foreshadow Doodle's death at the end.
  4. Doodle has a significant physical disability. How does the narrator's attitude about disabilities transform through the story?
  5. Why is this narrator telling the story? (think about how the story begins)

Discussion Questions - we will discuss these on Thursday. These questions are for you to read. They are not homework:

  1. What is one important message that "The Scarlet Ibis" relays to present-day children?
  2. Discuss the significance of the scarlet ibis in the story.
  3. Is the narrator to blame for Doodle's death? Why or why not?
  4. What is the relationship between pride and love in "The Scarlet Ibis?"

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