Tuesday 7 July 2020

English 10 Adapted

Today we'll start with a bit of work time to wrap up some questions and thinking for Lather, Nothing Else.

We'll use breakout rooms to share our findings in the handout before returning to our class and sharing them with the class. I'm hoping everyone has a chance to speak today!

Then we'll work individually towards understanding theme. For each item, explain how the quote is related to the main idea of the story.

  1. "My fate hangs on the edge of this razor blade."
  2. "And this was indeed a special customer."
  3. "But it's not easy to kill. I know what I'm talking about"
Next, answer the following question in one word. This is the topic.

What is Lather, Nothing Else about?

Now we can get to the theme. What does Lather, Nothing Else tell us about this word?

Lastly, it's time to talk about suspense. Take a look at the first page of this document. It explains suspense nicely, and it shows 10 ways we can have suspense in a story. Read the first page then answer the following question. Find as many examples of the 10 ways as possible.

How did the author create suspense? Give evidence from the story to support your answer. What was the most suspenseful part of the story for you?

Once you have done all the work, put it together into a single word document, google doc, or picture (if you wrote out your answer) and send it to my email: jrogers@sd38.bc.ca

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