Saturday 18 April 2020

ELL 3 English

Good morning!

There are a few things we need to do to get ready for report cards:

  1. Please upload your typed answers to our NEWSELA assignment from last week to your portal website. Many of you emailed this to me - that's great, but I'd like you to also go to your Portal website and upload it to your portfolio.
  2. I need an oral sample of your speaking. By now, nearly all of you have read at least one novel in the class. Please record an oral book report for that novel and upload it to your portal also. In your book report, explain why we should or shouldn't read this novel. Also, please explain the most interesting parts of the plot. The recording only needs to be one or two minutes long.
I will be uploading updated rubrics for your ELL levels. As you know, working online is very different, so if you have questions about this, please email me:

We will start reading The Breadwinner very soon (once report cards are done) so please look forward to that :)

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