Tuesday 14 April 2020

ELL 3 English

Good morning ELL 3 English students!

With all of this crazy news going on, we're going to use NEWSELA to learn about some interesting things going on. We will still be reading The Breadwinner, but this will be later.

Visit this link. You can change the ELL difficulty with a button on the top right corner.

  1. Why did this couple decide to use Animal Crossing to have their wedding instead of a different game?
  2. What does the groom do for his job?
  3. How has technology allowed us to stay connected during this pandemic?
  4. Could there be a future where most of our lives are online?
Answer each question with 2+ sentences, then answer the question below using a paragraph:

Most of us are living online during this pandemic. Life is much more convenient when you have instant access to weddings, parties, and social events. These days, it's normal. What have we lost as a result of this change to being almost entirely online?

ELL 3 Students: Please complete this assignment by Friday, April 17. Email it to me - jrogers@sd38.bc.ca

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