Friday 16 November 2018

English 9 Spectrum

Paragraph 1: Introduction
S1: Hook, or Topic sentence – TAG?
S2:  TAG? Premise 1
S3: Premise 2
S4: Premise 3

Paragraph 2: Premise 1
Expand on premise 1. Quote as early as possible, then explain it throughout. Paraphrases are ok in g9.

Paragraph 3: Premise 2
Expand on premise 2. Quote as early as possible, then explain it throughout. Paraphrases are ok in g9.

Paragraph 4: Premise 3
Expand on premise 3. Quote as early as possible, then explain it throughout. Paraphrases are ok in g9.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion
S2: Premise 3
S3: Premise 2
S4: Premise 1
S5: Concluding statement:
What have we learned about people in general by reading this essay? (thematic)
How has our understanding of THE TEXT changed as a result of reading this essay? (topical)

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