Tuesday 6 March 2018

ELL 3 English
Here is the paragraph we made in class together:

Before there was life on Earth, there was a place called Skyland in the clouds, and the Earth was all water. In Skyland, Ancient Chief’s wife, Sky Woman, had a dream that the great tree was uprooted. Since it was a strong dream, Ancient Chief decided her dream must become true. As Sky Woman fell in the hole left by the Great Tree, she grabbed a handful of seeds then was caught by two swans who carried her down. Sky Woman couldn’t live on a planet made of water, so the animals wanted to find a way to help her. Many animals tried to bring the Earth up from deep within the ocean, but only the Muskrat was able to swim to great depths and bring some of the Earth up. They placed the Muskrat and the Earth on the Turtle’s back, where the turtle’s shell became scratched, and the Earth could grow. Sky Woman was brought to the Earth on the Turtle’s back so she could live, and life on Earth began.

ELL 1/2 Science
Today we finished our chart for measuring our diet, and added our needed calories for Monday. Please continue to fill this in through the week.


ELL 3 Social Studies
Nice presentations today! We will continue with them tomorrow.

ELL 1/2 Social Studies
Today we'll be learning more about current events. Here is the link for our current event. We'll be doing a different set of questions, this time!

Here are our summary questions:
Who is the article about? (Hint: At least 2 groups of people) (1-2 sentences)

How does it affect them? (1-2 sentences)

What did Mallie’s want? (1 sentence)

What may have stopped Mallie’s from getting what they wanted? (1 sentence)

What did Mallie’s do to try to fix the problem? (1 sentence)

Write down the main idea(s) on the back of this sheet (1 sentence)

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