ELL 1/2 Social Studies
We'll be going over grammar units 11 and 12, as well as the answers for our last article. Once we've finished that, I'll introduce you to current events! HERE IS THE LINK FOR THE ARTICLE.
- What are two strange things happening in the weather?
- What is happening to the freezing air over the arctic?
- How is climate change affecting Northern Europe and Asia?
ELL 3 Social Studies
This is our last work day. Please make good use of time. If you are finished you may work on your SR, or practice your speaking. Also, if you're not sure how to say some of your specialized vocabulary words, I'm always free to help you out!
ELL 1/2 Science
More to come!
ELL 3 English
Okay - time for some mythology! What we're going to do has quite a few steps, but we'll be fine. Myths are cultural stories that attempt to explain something that we didn't understand a long time ago. Here's our plan:
- Intro to myths summaries.
- Reader's Theater: The Earth on Turtle's Back (p. 71).
- Check the same story on (p. 49). Make a summary as a class. Maximum - 8 sentences.
- Group Stories (we may not get to this until Tuesday or Wednesday):
- The Fire Stealer (p. 58)
- Pan Ku (p. 61)
- Prometheus (p. 64)
- How the Mayans Got Fire and Fooled Their Enemies (p. 67)
In your group of 2-3 people, answer the questions about your story, and create a summary no longer than 6 sentences. The questions for your story are on page 70. This work is a team effort. After you have made the summary, we'll be sharing them with the class.
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