Tuesday 6 February 2018

'Tis the 6th of Feb!

Another wonderful day - and some great participation. Social Studies classes have been working very hard on designing their maps, and I have seen some amazing work coming through today. Here's a rundown of what we've done:

ELL 1/2 Social Studies
Maps have made some progress today. Remember - Canada is not an island! Please don't put an ocean where a country should be. No homework today. Tomorrow we may have some time to finish, and we'll do some grammar!

There'll be a quiz on the capital cities, province names, 3 oceans, and Great Lakes on Tuesday next week.

ELL 3 Social Studies
Some maps have completed in this class. Really fantastic work, guys! We should have time to return to grammar work tomorrow.

There'll be a quiz on the capital cities, province names, 3 oceans, and Great Lakes on Tuesday next week.

ELL 1/2 Science
We've finished going over cells. Please study for our quiz on Tuesday next week. You must know how to spell the words, and the definition of the words. Grammar tomorrow!

ELL 3 English
We made some progress on paragraph design today. We should be able to finish paragraph work tomorrow, even though it's a grammar day. I'll be sure to bring in some grammar since it's Wednesday after all!

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