Thursday 1 February 2018

Reading Day!

Homework DUE FEB 5.

ELL 1/2 Social Studies
p. 4 questions (textbook)

ELL3 Social Studies
p. crossword (duotang)

ELL 1/2 Science
Read p. 6, answer p. 7 (duotang)

ELL 3 English

It's Reading Day! So what's reading day?

First of all, we have extended reading time. This means we read for up to 25 minutes. Then it's time to hand in our sharkbucks and earn stamps for reading.

During silent reading, we can fill in our book report form or read. Do this after each book we finish. After we finish silent reading, we'll hand them in and earn stamps on our Reading Day sheet. We can get stamps on Reading Day for the following activities:

  1. Reading Silently During the Week and RD. (1 stamp)
  2. Fill in the Reading Log for the week. (1 stamp)
  3. Completing a Book Report form. (2 stamps)

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