Tuesday 13 October 2015

Hey, it's terrifically Tuesday!

Just because the sky is cloudy doesn't mean the sun isn't shining!

English 9 SPECTRUM
Debates are starting this Thursday. Come dressed in a specific theme. Be prepared to argue both sides of your topic - you won't know if you're proposing or opposing the argument until your day comes. Here's the debate schedule:

Thursday, October 15: The Sniper
Monday, October 19: Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Wednesday, October 21: Just Lather, Nothing Else

The specific topics are below (check Monday's blog post)

Here's the debate format we're going to use:


Marks will be assigned for:
1. Everyone in the group speaks.
2. Clarity.
3. Quality of Argument.
4. Quality of Rebuttal.

Read The Scarlet Ibis (p. 90 - 100) Do a DEJ for it.

English 11
Today we selected our paragraph to hand in. We went through the CRISP editing steps. Please make sure you use the draft with my signature on it before you make a good copy at home. If you don't have a signature on your draft, I can't mark the good copy.

Homework: You can bring in the good copy tomorrow or Thursday. I know groups need a bit of extra time to practice and prepare so if you bring the good copy in on Thursday it won't be late.

Presentations are starting tomorrow. Be prepared!

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