Monday 12 October 2015

A Weekend Update!

Howdy all! My TOC reports all went well on Friday. I have received a couple emails with some very good questions about the assignments coming up this week. I thought I would answer them here - perhaps I might reach more students this way.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Your topics are as follows:

Mitty: Dreams do more harm than good. (support/refute)

Lather: The integrity of our role is more important than justice. (support/refute)

Sniper: Believing in yourself is more important than believing in family. (support/refute)

Our first debate will be Thursday. Tomorrow we'll do a draw to see which teams will be facing off first.

English 11
Presentations are on Wednesday. Tomorrow we'll be selecting our paragraph to edit/hand in.

English 8
Many great comments from my TOC on your poetry reading. He indicated that the class made some very thoughtful comments on the poem! I'm looking forward to reading your responses in your journals!

See you all tomorrow!

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