Monday, 20 January 2025

Apocalypse Now: Part 3

 Reminder: I'll collect all three parts of our responses!

Here's part 3.

Context: Willard and his team finally arrive at Kurtz' camp. There are bodies and indigenous people everywhere who follow Kurtz like a god.

1. In his pre-death line Kurtz says, "We train young men to drop fire on people but their commanders won't allow them to write F___ on their airplanes because it's obscene!" What does Apocalypse show about the duality of absurdity? 

(There's the absurdity of war - which is that war is pointless - a nihilistic view, and there's Camus' "The Absurd" where we must find meaning for ourselves (Existentialism)

2. Did Willard adopt Kurtz' existentialist/nihilistic view of the world before he killed him? Or did Willard confront Kurtz because his essentialist perspective was incompatible with Kurtz' idealism?

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