Monday 3 June 2024

Ambition and its Influence

 Greetings all, this week we are beginning to move into argumentative writing. This means we need to do some reading outside of Macbeth in order to inform ourselves and our position on this topic. Below are a few links in addition to printouts that we'll be using in class. Some of these links are lengthy, so use the search function on your devices to get to the gist of the argument.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are some of the more reliable sources we can find. There are many sources for these. One example below is remarkably long. Read the abstract of lengthier journal articles to see what general conclusions are proven within. Check it out:

  1. Ambition and Extreme Behaviour
  2. Ambition and its Psychopathologies
  3. Is Ambition Good or Bad? (there is a printout of this one as well)
In our argumentative writing, we'll want 2-3 sources to support our position on the topic of ambition. The specific topic(s) will be coming soon. For now, we must focus on informing ourselves on the role ambition has in our lives, and its positive and negative influences.

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