Thursday 18 January 2024

Snow Updates

 Greetings all!

With two snow days in a row, all English 11 classes are missing a PLT day to finish act V of Macbeth and begin work on the handout. There have been many emails, so I'll put up some updates here, and send out a blast to all English 11 students. These are the updates:

  1. The Creative Project and ACT package will be due on PLT days next week rather than the 23rd. This means January 24 for block A and January 25 for block C/D. Soliloquies must remain January 26 since this is the last day of the semester. There can be no further extensions since we'll be going into a new semester the following week.
  2. There are many versions of Macbeth out there on the internet. This is the closest one I could find to the text we're using. Feel free to read this and begin work on the Act V package. There will be more act 5 packages on Friday.
Some notes about Act V: things move very quickly. Though some scenes are only a few lines long, they give us the goings on of both sides of the main conflict. We go back and forth between Macbeth's castle, and the invading English forces with Malcom at the helm. Try to pick up on the elements of the Witch's updated prophecy through the act.

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