Friday 14 October 2022

English 10: Animal Farm

 Chapter 3 – 5 questions

  1. Where did the milk and apples go?
  2. How does Squealer persuade the animals to support the pigs? Provide evidence.
  3. What conflicts have we seen so far in Animal Farm? Provide examples, as well.
  4. How does Benjamin the donkey feel about the revolution? Provide evidence.
  5. Did the two animals who got the Animal Hero First Class decoration deserve it?
  6. Why did the animals feel their harvest was especially delicious?
  7. Why did Mollie leave? Could people like Mollie contribute to a revolution like the one in Animal Farm?
  8. How did Snowball earn support from the animals?
  9. How did Napoleon earn support from the animals?
  10. Why didn’t boxer reject Napoleon after he took over the farm?

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