Thursday 22 September 2022

Tips for Levelled Questions

As you all write your DEJs this weekend, have a gander below for some tips on forming good questions:

  1. How does the narrator kill the old man? (level 1)
    • On a specific page it says that he suffocates the old man.
  2. How does guilt affect the narrator's behaviour after he hides the body of the old man? (level 2)
    • Discuss the symbolism of the beating heart. -Unable to accept his own guilt
  3. How does the narrator use false confidence to cover up his guilt for the crime? (level 3)
    • Throughout the story the narrator loves bragging about how perfect his senses are. This is level 3 because the answer requires you to reread the entire story.
  4. How do feelings of guilt alter our behaviour? (level 4)
    • The answer is inspired by the narrator of the story, but you will not find the answer in TTH. It is clearly inspired thematically by the story, and the answer may be out there after doing a lot of research.

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