Thursday, 29 September 2022

ELL 3 - Natural Disasters

There have been some very serious natural disasters recently. Today we're going to take a closer look.

Hurricane Fiona has done lots of damage along the Atlantic Coast. It has changed the shape of PEI - a province in Eastern Canada.

First, we will read this article.

After the article and the video, write a reaction to the news. Think about the following questions to help you react: How does this news make you feel? Why do you think this kind of disaster is happening more often? 

Tuesday, 27 September 2022


 Read this article!

Summarize the article in 4 sentences. Decide on the most important ideas of the article and include them.

English 10

 Greetings Englishers,

Today we're reading "A Bolt of White Cloth" by Leon Rooke. There's really two stories here - the one focused on a profound symbol, and one focused on the "wife". 

OK, so the white cloth symbolizes love - but this short story takes that symbol much further than that. How the symbol works in the story reveals what the author is trying to show us about love. Consider these questions:

  1. Is love about appearances as much as it is about connection? Is one more important than the other?
  2. Is the wife in love with the narrator?
  3. Do women and men value love differently? If so - how?
  4. Does the husband recognize the line between generosity and infidelity?

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Work for today!

 Greetings, everyone! I am away again today, but should be returning tomorrow. Please read below for the our work today.

English 10 (B and D)
Hand in your DEJ. Double check that you have cited your quotes. Check with friends if your questions are levelled. Make sure your name is on it!

Grab our short story book - the big one on the ledge by the door; go back to Cask of Amontillado. Answer these questions. No need to copy them down. Use quotes as much as possible to support your response. Keep this in mind:

Never expect a quote to explain itself – you must do the explaining.

  1. Consider the symbolism of Fortunato's clothing. Why is he dressed the way he is? How is the sound of bells on his hat significant?
  2. Why does Montresor show kindness and consideration to Fortunato?
  3. Why does the narrator continuously refer back to Luchesi?
  4. Reread the opening paragraph of the short story. Montresor discusses the rationale of his thinking. We get a similar telling in "The Tell-Tale Heart". How are these narrators similar? How are they different? (you may use Inside Stories II to check on TTH - it's on the green bookshelf by the back door.
  5. What does Montresor say that foreshadows the death of Fortunato?
  6. What is ironic about Fortunato's name?
  7. How does Montresor's family coat of arms represent his values?

ELL 1 / 2 English
After silent reading, grammar!

ELL 3 Social Studies
Silent reading first, then read this. Questions:
  1. What qualities should a New York bagel have?
  2. When did bagel rolling first come to New York?
  3. How does a union protect its workers?
  4. Why are human bagel rollers better than machine rollers?
  5. Many bagel rollers in New York went to teach people in Thailand how to make bagels. Why did this become a problem for New York bagel rollers?
  6. Which do bagel rollers prefer these days - freelance work or contract work? Why?
  7. How many bagels can a bagel roller make in a day?

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Tips for Levelled Questions

As you all write your DEJs this weekend, have a gander below for some tips on forming good questions:

  1. How does the narrator kill the old man? (level 1)
    • On a specific page it says that he suffocates the old man.
  2. How does guilt affect the narrator's behaviour after he hides the body of the old man? (level 2)
    • Discuss the symbolism of the beating heart. -Unable to accept his own guilt
  3. How does the narrator use false confidence to cover up his guilt for the crime? (level 3)
    • Throughout the story the narrator loves bragging about how perfect his senses are. This is level 3 because the answer requires you to reread the entire story.
  4. How do feelings of guilt alter our behaviour? (level 4)
    • The answer is inspired by the narrator of the story, but you will not find the answer in TTH. It is clearly inspired thematically by the story, and the answer may be out there after doing a lot of research.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022


 Today we're reading an article about pollution in the oceans. After reading this article copy down the following and answer:







Every news article addresses these questions (Sometimes, but not always "How"). These important words can help us to understand the article. We will answer them during class time.

The Possibility of Evil

 Here's our work for Shirley Jackson's "The Possibility of Evil"

  1. What is Miss Strangeworth trying to accomplish by sending out her letters? Does she succeed? Discuss.
  2. How would you describe the story's atmosphere at the beginning? How does this atmosphere help to emphasize the ending?
  3. Considering the title, who is possibly evil? How do we see this "evil" in the story?
  4. Some interpret this story is a comment on crime and criminal behaviour. What might this story teach us about criminals and crime?
Fill in the Elements of Fiction handout.

Friday, 16 September 2022

This weekend!

 For those of you away - we will not be doing The Possibility of Evil until Tuesday, September 20th. Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, 12 September 2022

ELL3 and English 10

 English 10

For today and tomorrow, we're putting together a brief presentation - 2-3 minutes long about ourselves. Last week, we created mandalas that had us explore words that both defy and define us. For this presentation use a visual and present to the class about why you selected these words and perhaps include some further specifics about yourself. We have more details in class, and we will have access to computers to help us develop our chosen visual aid.

ELL3 Social Studies

"The Queen is dead. God save the King!" This is what everyone in the UK is saying nowadays. Today we will read an article about the queen who died last week.

  1. Where did she die?
  2. When did the Queen visit China?
  3. What was her last act serving as the queen of England?
  4. Was she popular? How do you know?
  5. What was the Queen's favourite pet?
  6. Based on the graphic of important things during the Queen's life, what do you think were the two most important events, and why were they important?