Monday 11 July 2022

Cask of Amontillado

Also - one more important task-

There are three types of irony. Show two of these three types in the short story.

3 Types of Irony.
  • Verbal - What we say and what we mean are NOT THE SAME.
    • "Nice dress."
    • "Cool shoes, buddy."
    • "Great job..."
  • Situational
    • The situation is the opposite of what is expected.
    • Students teach the teacher. The teacher has to write the quizzes/tests.
    • A millionaire youtuber dresses up as a homeless person to see how homeless people are treated, and documents the experience. It reveals that people will judge you by appearances without understanding the reality of your finances.
  • Dramatic (Shakespeare)
    • The audience knows something that the characters do not. Creates tension or humour.

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