Wednesday 20 July 2022

Animal Farm Chapter 1-2

  1.  List the animals that enter the barn for Old Major's speech.
  2. If we were to connect each type of animal to a different kind of person in society, what kind of personalities do you think Orwell is describing? Describe the kinds of people represented by the following animals from Chapter 1:
    1. Boxer
    2. Pigs
    3. Mollie
    4. The Cat
    5. The Rats
  3. At one point in Chapter 2, Moses describes Sugarcandy Mountain as a place where animals may go when they die. Since this book is an allegory - what is the true story Orwell may be referring to with the character "Moses" and his stories of Sugarcandy Mountain?
  4. What do the animals do to Mr. Jones' farming equipment and tools immediately after the rebellion? How might this change the way animals take care of the farm after Mr. Jones is gone?
  5. At the end of chapter 2, the milk is gone. Does this break any of the rules of Old Major's speech?
  6. Why are the animals so eager to do a big, successful harvest at the end of chapter 2?
One you complete these questions - please complete this one -
  • The animals have overthrown their oppressor - Mr. Jones. He has been kicked out and now the animals are in charge. Do you feel the animals made the right decision? Are their intentions pure, and honest? Is there an opportunity here for some animals to take advantage of others?

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