Thursday 21 April 2022

Finding Nemo

Over the last two days, we watched Finding Nemo. Think about the journey of this film. Both the father (Marlin) and Nemo travel great distances to find each other again. Was it through hard work that they found each other? Or was it just a lot of really good luck?

Why do you feel this way?

What lesson do you think Andrew Stanton (Director) may be trying to teach us with this film?

Chapter 11

1. Parvana’s family knew something was wrong when she arrived home late and wet. Parvana was planning to show only part of the money to her family, thinking she would save the money for the tray. Why did she cry when asked about her day, and why did she show all of the money?

2. Did Mother want Parvana to continue digging bones? What did Nooria say about it? 

3. At the end of two weeks, when the girls had trays, they could follow the crowd to earn more money. Where did they follow the crowd? What terrible things did they see and learn? 

Chapter 12 

1. Why did Parvana stay at home for a few days?

2. When the bread ran out, did the family members tell Parvana to go back to work?

3. Had Shauzia also stayed at home a few days? What was her secret?

4. Where did Shauzia want to go? Why? How would she get there?

5. What was happening to Shauzia? How was she changing?

6. What would happen to Shauzia’s family if she left?

7. Does Parvana want to go with Shauzia? What does she wish?

8. What secret does Parvana share with Shauzia?

9. What did the secret school teach about? Who was the teacher?

10. The Window Woman continued to toss tiny gifts to Parvana. One afternoon, what did Parvana hear from the house?

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