Animal Farm: Final Reflection / Project Options
The following are a list of possible
lessons that one might learn from Animal Farm:
- Life is unfair; don’t expect it to be otherwise.
- Be careful whom you trust.
- Choose your friends wisely.
- Question authority and think for yourself: don’t be like the
- Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
- Don’t believe everything you read or are told.
- All people are equal, but some people are more equal than
- Ignorance is not always bliss.
- Educate yourself: knowledge is power.
- Stand up for your friends and for those in trouble: don’t be a
passive bystander.
- Respect everyone’s opinion.
- Don’t be a backstabber.
- Be grateful for the freedoms you enjoy.
Your project should show at least one of these themes.
Project Options
Write a memoir for one of the
characters. A memoir is like a diary. The character would be thinking about
their past choices as they write a memoir. They might feel pride about what
happened in the past, or shame. It should show some of the conflicts that
character was going through during the story. (at least 2 pages)
Draw a cartoon strip for an
important chapter in the novel; it should be at least 8 panels. Use colour. No “stick
men” or “stick animals”.
Project Criteria
A) Pre-write. Plan out your ideas before beginning: brainstorm, outline….
B) Be sure to give your project a clear title.
Your project should:
- Show an
understanding of Animal Farm.
- Follow
specific requirements for the choice.
- Check your
- If you are writing the memoir, you must indent your paragraphs.
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