Monday 1 June 2020

ELL 3 English

Now that we're most of the way through the novel, here's what we'll do. We're looking at chapter 9, 10, and 11 for the next part.

In this section, Parvana and her friend, Shauzia find a new way to make some money. It's maybe a little scary, but hey - money is money! For this, we'll do some reflecting and a few questions :)

  1. Parvana's new work makes a little more money. How far would you go if the price is right? If you make enough money would you do anything? Is there a line between what is right and wrong that you would never cross?
  2. "Mr. Skull" is in chapter 10. Why does Parvana see him in her dreams?
  3. What do the girls buy with all the money they've saved up?
  4. Something horrible happens in the 2nd half of chapter 11. What happens?
  5. Why does the Taliban government do things like this? Aren't soccer games meant for fun?
  6. Is this the Taliban's criminal justice system? Is this an effective way to stop crime?

Send me your responses by Monday, June 8.

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