Friday 15 May 2020

English 11

Greetings English 11!

Time to get to work on Lord of the Flies. You will need your connections chart from this week as we progress and explore how these characters develop for the remainder of the novel. Structure on the island is going awry, and things take some interesting and drastic turns through the next two chapters. Read them carefully, and enjoy :)

Read chapter 8 and 9 by Tuesday, May 19. Give yourself a couple more days to complete the discussion and research questions below. Submit your responses to me by Friday, May 22. This ensures that you have adequate time to provide adequate responses.

These chapters reveal a great deal about Simon. Once you read them, please complete the following:

We are introduced to a new character at the end of chapter 8. This dialogue is one of the most powerful moments in post-war literature. A tragedy takes place at the end of chapter 9 that may connect to Simon's conversation with this new character at the end of chapter 8.

For this assignment, I would like to do a bit of research online and connect what you find with what you understand from Lord of the Flies.
  1. Who is the Lord of the Flies?
  2. Why does Simon converse with the Lord of the Flies? Why doesn't Ralph, Jack, or Piggy get to talk to it?
  3. Why is Simon able to speak and converse with this new character?
  4. Examine the content of their conversation and the ending of chapter 9.
    1. How does the conversation at the end of chapter 8 foreshadow the ending of chapter 9?
    2. Take a look at your connection for Simon. This is the chart you submitted to me this week. How do the events of chapter 8 and 9 affect your interpretation of his character?
  5. Based on what has happened from the beginning of the novel to the end of chapter 9, what is Golding suggesting about our nature? (give me a couple quotes to support this response)
Please note: this will be the first assignment that I'm counting for marks. Until now I have tracked your participation and understanding. I am looking for extensive, complete responses. Explain your reasons, provide evidence where suitable, and check your grammar.

Please submit your responses by May 22; email them to me

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