Wednesday 29 April 2020

English 11

Greetings English 11. Here are some updates:

Several of you haven't submitted your work for Chapter 1. Please get this done. Yes, everything is for marks.

We're going to try some group work for this next portion. I want everyone to try and find other students in my English 11 classes, and form a Zoom meeting or whatever online video chat platform you prefer. At least one person in this meeting should belong to a different class. Groups should not be larger than 5 people. I teach 3 English 11 classes, so finding people shouldn't be hard.

Read to the end of chapter 3 before the meeting. Plan this meeting for Monday, May 4. One person in your meeting needs be a leader and report to me the results of your discussion and submit a screenshot of everyone in the meeting. A quick summary on a single page will suffice. Email this summary and the screenshot to me:

Here are the discussion topics (do all of them):

  1. How do conflicts between civilization and savagery appear?
  2. What effect does the speculation of the Beast have on the different kids? If this Beast were a symbol or metaphor, what might it represent if LOTF were an allegory of the mind and psyche?
  3. Consider the topic of isolation: what has William Golding shown us about how isolation can alter our behaviour? 
  4. Discuss several symbols to this point and their significance. With your group, decide on at least 3 symbols and at least two interpretations of each.

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