Tuesday 21 April 2020

ELL 3 English

Instructions for Students Work Habits Rubric: Due Friday April 24th at 3pm.
You have done this before in semester 1 perhaps with another ELL teacher. You will be assessing your own work habits and writing a reflection about it. You will be thinking about your work habits from the beginning of the semester January 28th until March 13th the day before spring break started.

Read each aspect of the rubric carefully and determine where you would place yourself on the rubric (G for Good, S for Satisfactory or N for Needs Improvement) for each aspect. Record where you would place yourself in each of your reflection paragraphs.
Write a written reflection of your work habits which summarizes each of the aspects of work habits. Completion of homework and assignments, Participation & effort, Preparation & organization, Attendance and promptness, Personal responsibility: respect, cooperation & integrity
For each aspect listed above you will write one 6-8 sentence paragraph. In your paragraph you will do 3 things:
  1. Describe in words where you would place yourself on the rubric.
  2. Mention specific examples of things you did to demonstrate this aspect of work habit. 
  3. Specific things you will do to improve or maintain good work habits in the coming term while working from home. 
Take a photo of your written work (6-8 sentences). Upload it to your portfolio in a post titled "Work Habits"

Instructions for Students: Writing Sample ELL 3: Due Tuesday April 28 at 3pm.
You will submit a writing sample on to the portfolio under the post on the portal named “Writing Sample”. You will write a multi paragraph (3-5 paragraph) composition on one of the following topics:
  • The Pitfall of Living Through COVID19 OR
  • Silver Linings: Unexpected pleasures of Living Through COVID 19 
Your piece of writing will be done in your handwriting in paragraph format. I suggest you brainstorm and outline first to generate ideas and get yourself organized before you start to write. You must write at least 3 paragraphs and maximum 5 paragraphs.

Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, body with proof and examples, concluding sentence. When you have finished the piece of writing you will make sure that your name and student number and date are at the top of the page and easy to read. Then take a photo of it click on the pencil-lightning icon on the post called “Writing Sample April 2020” and upload it. **Be sure to put your name and student number and date are at the top of the page and that it is legible to read from a downloaded photo BEFORE YOU TAKE A PHOTO OF IT.

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