Thursday 11 October 2018

Good Day English 10!
It's becoming clear that the Old Major's dream is going awry in Animal Farm. Many of you have read beyond chapter 5 for the sake of your DEJ, Blog, and/or Newspaper. The pigs, and especially Squealer, have become very good at persuading the other animals that everything is going well, and that Napoleon is always right. As a devoted supporter, or usurper of this radical change, think about how you might use propaganda to persuade other animals to your way of thinking.

As we gradually move towards essay writing, we need to begin looking at persuasive techniques. These are little tricks you can use to persuade your audience to do what you want them to do. Take a look at some persuasive techniques and how you might use them to get what you want.

If you want a straight forward list of techniques you could use for your propaganda, check out this link. This is a list used in World War 2 propaganda, and it should work perfectly for our purposes.

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