ELL 1/2 Social Studies
Today we'll be working on our current events! I'll be doing a short demonstration today of a current event, then you'll be working on your own article. Please use your current events handout and answer the questions on it for your article. This is what you'll be using to present your current event to the class.
ELL 3 Social Studies
We need our devices today. Grab your device, load up Scholantis, and check your mark for the presentation. Then, answer these questions using a lightning response. I'll show you how to do this during class.
- When you designed your project, what steps did you take to create the final product?
- How did you decide what information you would put in and what information you would leave out?
- What is the difference between an image that would work for your presentation compared to an image that wouldn’t work?
- What worked well for your project?
- What will you do differently next time?
- When you made your presentation, did you create a nice balance of text and visuals? Too much text?
First, we'll update our food tables to show a complete week (Monday to Friday). We should have a total calorie count for each day, and total calories used for each day. For this assignment, we need to know those numbers.
- Take your calories used and your total calories. Calculate your net gain or net loss of calories. Calculate the number like this: (calories you ate) - (calories you used) = net calories
- If the number is positive, that means you're gaining weight, if the number is negative it means you're losing weight. Do you need to make a change? Where should you make this change? Which meal might need a change?
- Next, check the food you're eating. Which food group do you eat the most? Which food group do you eat the least?
- Based on this answer, are there nutrients that you're missing in your diet?
Now that you have done some thinking about your health and your diet, it's time to make the assignment. Find a partner. On the portal (portal.sd38.bc.ca) create a video in your portfolio where you'll answer the questions above, and...
- Give an overall rating of your diet. You could give it a score out of 10.
- Why did you give it this rating.
- Make a few goals (2-3) that describe how you will make improvements to your diet and health.
Answer all 7 questions above in the video. The whole video might be 1-5 minutes long.
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