English 11
During class today, we discussed some of the big ideas coming out of our questions, and began applying Freudian literary theory to the short story "The Lottery". After this, we reviewed the big elements of fiction to get us all set for our class novel: The Lord of the Flies.
Here's a link to the PowerPoint we used in class.
- Read chapter 1.
- Create a 4 column chart, with the following names at the top of each column: Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon. These are fairly important characters in Lord of the Flies. In each column describe the characterization of that character. Once you have finished chapter 1, draw a line horizontally across the page just under where you finished writing down some notes on these characters.
- Do a single Double Entry Journal item. That is, find one quote, and write one response to it. This is not for marks, but it will allow me to make sure that you're on the right track in terms of what I expect of DEJ responses. This way there won't be any major surprises when you finally do a DEJ for marks :)
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