Monday 12 December 2016

English 9
We'll be moving into our presentations on Wednesday and Thursday. We have discussed at length about the content of our skits/performances. Below are the items I'll be looking for in your scenes:

  1. Translation is optional: you may translate the text to a modern, easily comprehensible form, but please be considerate of the original meaning of the text. Your group may use their discretion on how much text you translate and how much you keep original.
  2. Cutting lines and characters: if your scene is more than 5 pages long, you may cut lines from the scene to keep it within 5 pages. Please be careful about your choices so you don't lose meaning in the process of editing the scene.
  3. Memorizing lines is optional: if you memorize your lines, I will be very impressed, but it is not required for your scene. As long as it's clear that you've practiced it enough that your lines roll off the tongue and you don't get constantly stuck on difficult words, you'll be fine.
Some interesting things you could do:
  • How you dress isn't defined in the text: it's up to you!
  • Are there any props you might use?
  • Have you ever tried using an accent when reading your lines?

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