Tuesday 22 November 2016

It's been a whirlwind! Just when you think the marking is all done, you get another load of it!

Here's the latest update for this week.

English 9
Today we started Romeo and Juliet. Here are some questions to get us thinking about the kind of language and meaning Shakespeare is working towards.

1. In which northern Italian city is the play set?
2. What is the purpose of hte prologue?
3. Describe how the mood is conveyed through specific phrases and words.


  1. Romeo and Juliet is essentially a love story. Why do you think Shakespeare begins with a violent street fight?
  2. For which family do Gregory and Sampson work?
  3. A pun is a play on words. It is a form of joking, using words which sound the same but have different meanings.
    1. Write down the words in the first four lines which create the pun.
    2. What does Sampson mean when he says 'we'll not carry coals' in line 1?
    3. What does the word 'choler' mean?
  4. There are a number of bawdy jokes made in this scene.
    1. What is the purpose of these jokes?

  • Complete the questions above.
  • Finish the good copy of your essay (typed or written).
  • Prepare for your 2nd grammar quiz,

English 12
We'll be writing an analytical essay for Hamlet. Be prepared to day to discuss his famous soliloquy in III.i.

(more coming soon!)

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