Thursday 3 November 2016

Skeptical Baby meme

English 12
Today we completed our last presentation: "The Yellow Wallpaper". We then discussed some of the elements of fiction that will appear on the text, as well as a figurative device. Here's the list we discussed:

  1. Symbolism
  2. Characterization and Dynamic Characterization
  3. Setting
  4. Point of View
  5. Theme
  6. Conflict
  7. Allusion
Theme will appear several times. Remember, you only need to select one question from the list of questions tomorrow. There will be one question for each short story we have done, and therefore 7 questions in total.

English 9
Today we spent more time with "Secret Life of Walter Mitty". Tomorrow we'll be going over thesis statements.

Next week, we'll be starting your composition on Monday, and your grammar quiz and continuation of the composition will be on Tuesday.

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