Wednesday 19 October 2016

Gooooooood morning!

English 9

Today we looked back on our mind map for worldviews, and did a short brainstorm on what we feel are the 6 most important ones. Below are images of our brainstorms from late September.

3.2 If you were the princess, what option would you have indicated, and why?
3.3 If you were the lover, what door would you have taken, and why?
3.5 Do you agree with the author that the king's method of administering justice was fair?

Complete the expansion of your creative response to "Lather, Nothing Else". Highlight, or box the area of your writing that you expanded for homework.

Also, for 3.2 and 3.3 above: we did these questions in class. For homework, take the opposite position of the one you took during class, and defend it in 4 sentences for each question.

English 12
Today we shared our sonnets and presented some visualizations for Horses of the Night!

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