Wednesday 1 June 2016

Sir Isaac Newton meme

English 9 SPECTRUM
Here is how you need to organize the header for your creative writing:

1. Title centered.
2. Name on the right.
3. Date on the right.
4. Size 12 Times New Roman (1.5x spacing)
5. Double sided preferred, not required.

Due: Tuesday, June 7 2016

English 10
Today we made a few planned changes to our 3 quatrains. The new steps are:

d. In a meter other than the one in your poem, write a rhyming couplet that encompasses a central theme of your symbol.
e. Combine your stanzas into one big stanza. Indent the rhyming couplet at the end. The poem should be a single stanza, and 14 lines long.

Print this, and make it pretty to hand in tomorrow, June 2.

English 12AP
Today we showed most of our skits. They were excellent - except of course for the cringe-worthy moments you all remember! These are the best Othello skits I have seen. Tomorrow - essays!

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