Monday 13 June 2016

Squeamish Seal meme

English 12AP
FEES: $29 if you signed up for Bard on the Beach

Incoming due date: Thursday, June 16 for your final synthesis essays.

We're going to take a gander at the Canterbury Tales - from a post-secondary perspective. That is, we'll be examining several characters and determine how the society at the time would perceive this character.

The original text was written in early middle English - which is more difficult to comprehend than Shakespeare's middle English. We'll use a somewhat modernized translation of the text for interpretation purposes. A complete analysis takes much more time than we have, but we should be able to briefly learn about these characters.

The Canterbury Tales

Characters to examine:
  1. The Wife of Bath (challenge)
  2. The Prioress
  3. The Miller (challenge)
  4. The Pardoner
  5. The Friar
  6. The Lawyer
  7. (Your choice)
  1. Summarize the story
  2. Characterize with quotes.
  3. Based on what we understand about society at the time this was written, what conclusions can we make about the character?
  4. What is Chaucer attempting to accomplish through this character? (consider the prologue and the story)
English 10
Today is a lit circle day! If we have time, I'll be modelling an intro for compare and contrast in order to clarify what we're looking for on the provincial exam.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Well- it took the entire weekend, but your essays are marked, and you'll be getting them back today.

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