Friday 3 June 2016

Kardashians meme

English 10
Today we shared our poems which are in fact - surprise: Sonnets! Yes, you have worked out one of the more tricky poetic forms in the English language!

We also formed our lit circle groups and determined meeting times and dates.

English 12AP
Today we'll be taking about your next two assignments. There's your creative assignment where we take the tone and approach of Milton and there's the Synthesis assignment we started yesterday. We'll establish the due dates for these today!

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today, we discussed the significance of Bruno's narration of such a terrible global event. We closely examined the chapter "The Fury" where Bruno met Hitler and we wrote a journal response on that encounter.

Next week we'll check out the film - as well as another film for our final assignment.

1 comment:

  1. For the 2nd Narrative Essay, is that due Monday (Jun.6)?


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