Thursday 26 May 2016

English 10
Today we presented our group poems and began working on our own diamantes.

Here's the diamante form we're using:

        Adjective    Adjective
   Verb         Verb          Verb
Noun    Noun    Noun    Noun
   Verb         Verb          Verb
        Adjective    Adjective

Make it pretty. Put some colours and drawings on it. Print the text. Cut the poem down to a nice square shape. Due on Monday, May 30.

English 12
Today we got our soliloquies back and took a day to practice our soliloquies and skits. Tomorrow is soliloquy day!

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today we observed the ENEX project presentations for the grade 10s. Take notes, people - this will be you next year!

Reminder: The first draft of your Strathcona narratives is due on Monday next week.

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