Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hey! Here's the blog!

English 10 (A Block)
Today we completed Act 2 scene i, and began discussing characterization in Shakespeare plays.

Begin your character panels for 11 characters in MSND.

English 9 SPECTRUM
Today we started our lit circles! You may begin to fill in your role sheet. We're having our first circle on Tuesday next week. As it turns out, the block rotation is on the week of the play, which throws a wrench into the plans. Hold on to your $5 until I speak to the theater group.

Get started on your novels. Be sure to reach your reading goal before Tuesday next week!

English 12AP
Today we wrote our last essay for the first term of this semester. I will be going on a marking blitz, and will have the marks entered before the deadline this Monday.

Items of note:
1. Make sure you have been in touch with Meghan regarding your bios. Also be sure to send her your first creative project. email:
2. If you haven't handed in one of your lit circle handouts be sure to get it done this week.
3. The AP test is coming. Think about forming a study group and meeting regularly!

Tomorrow we'll be rotating lit circle books.

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