Tuesday 19 April 2016

English 12AP
Here's some examples of Synechdoche and Metonymy.

A part of the thing represents the whole. Figurative term. Examples:
a. These are my wheels. (a car)
b. All hands on deck.
c. The head of an organization.

A thing that is far more symbolic than synechdoche, that represents an idea.
a. The pentagon.
b. The crown.
c. Give me a hand!

What makes a good soliloquy notes (To be refined!)
Exposes trajectory of views/emotional state
Reveals a facet of plot. Reveals where the character thinks s/he is going.
Has to be essential to the plot.
Carefully thought out; less spontaneous/carefully thought.
NOT a stream of consciousness.
Conclusive tone/for the moment.
Elegant level of diction/reveals thoughtfulness. /
Reflection. Reveals development in the character.

Unfiltered. Iago's eloquence is a unique character trait. Eloquent/Raw.

English 10
Today we wrapped up our MSND unit. Starting tomorrow: media!

Don't forget to bring your MSND books to return.

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