Thursday 3 March 2016

English 9 SPECTRUM
The film is due Wednesday, March 9. No more class time will be allotted for work on this project, as it seems many of you are now at a stage where you can film it on your own time.

Make your movie!

Today we started the framework for lit circles, and selected a book from our choices. We can finalize these choices tomorrow once everyone has returned from their absences today.

After, we took a look at two essays from the collaborative essay work. We'll be finishing this tomorrow before we do some writing.

Also, Jade's quote will be immortalized in our book.

English 10 (A block)
Today we read our 'found' poems. They were excellent. Kudos to all those who shared their poem with the class! After, we started preparation for our skits.

Try to finalize a script for your skit before tomorrow's class so you can practice as a group. Presentation day is Monday! DEJ Friday!

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